Slow Utne Reader
Fabled Utne Reader highlighted an excerpt from Peter Laufer’s Slow News in the magazine’s September 2014 issue, noting, “We can rationalize flicking on 24-hour news for a fix of what’s supposedly important; there may be something happening that’s important to know.”
The image the Utne Reader chose to illustrate the excerpt is potently mundane.
The Utne Reader caption: Award-winning journalist Peter Laufer brings wit and clarity to the news in his latest book, Slow News (Oregon State University Press, 2014). Laufer argues that both the field journalist and the home consumer can benefit from taking time to ruminate on the news. In this excerpt from Part Two, “Who Are the Media & What Are the Sources?” he suggests that turning off the 24-hour news altogether allows consumers to make their own decisions about what news is worth investigating.